Why In-Home Family Sessions are My Favorite

Let’s face it, capturing family photos each year is something we all have on our list, but it’s not always the easiest to get done. We want to capture our growing families, our children as they age from year to year and sometimes our pets too! I have started doing family sessions in my clients homes and they are not only a blast, but so much easier than getting everyone to a special location. Read more to hear why I think a family session in your home should be on your to do list!


No worries about rushing everyone out the door trying to throw shoes on one little and button a shirt on the other. You get yourself ready while they watch their favorite cartoon and if you need my help throwing your little ones outfits on I am happy to help when I arrive.


What is more comfortable to your child than their own home? My favorite part about in home sessions is getting a formal tour from toddlers and them introducing me to your dog. Cuddling on the couch and sitting on the countertop makes photos that much more fun!


It may be your first home, it may be your forever home, heck it may be your for now home.. but one thing is for sure it is your home and what better way to preserve your current memories in that home. I can remember looking back at old family photos in my childhood home and being taken back to that time or "when we had that couch". Time is a thief and one day you'll be sitting in your new home or new couch looking back at these photos remembering when your kids were so little and how they use to watch cartoons on that couch.


With all your child’s favorite things at your finger tips getting those happy photos is much easier. Spider Man figures, Paw Patrol and ready to eat pancakes are just a few of my fellow in home session helpers. Puppy kisses and back yard zoomie runs are also a nice addition. Want a photo with just your spouse? Again easier than ever with your child already being in their safe zone and having things to do while we capture those moments.


Typically for on location sessions we either have to wake up at the crack of dawn or wait until the final hours of daylight to get the best lighting. With in home sessions we can do them right after nap time or lunch - basically whenever your child is the happiest. However, IF you do want photos on the front porch (which are adorable) one thing to watch for is what time your porch is in even/shaded light to avoid squinty or harsh lit photos from the sun. We can make any time work, but if your porch is shaded are 2:00 pm, let’s shoot for them!


Amazon Gift Guide for Photographers


Groom Attire Inspiration